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Interesting day on GM

Today was obviously an interesting day to see on GM and F and the not-listed Chrysler. The news started to unfold at 9am, when President Bush announced the bailout plan for the Big Three (Big Two rather, since Ford is not asking for money), and the market reacted extremely positive at pre-market, when share price …

Earnings and surprises…

For the past two days, we’ve witnessed one of what I would personally considered as the most hilarious jokes of the year unfolded on Wall Street. Quick quiz to those of you who are reading this: 1. If a company that has not lost a single cent ever since it went public in 1999, and …

Wachovia and Wells Fargo Merger – A short study on the market efficiency and no arbitrage theory

In front of me is a copy of the shareholder’s prospectus on the Wachovia and Wells Fargo merger. Put all the excitement aside (since this is the first time I am voting as a shareholder for a legal entity, although practically I do not hold any stock of Wachovia Corp as this point although I …

Bailout failed for automakers

Newsflash: The bailout has officially died in the senate as of 11:03pm, as it could not find sufficient number of votes from the Republicans to pass the legislation. Oil have down more than 2 dollars in the past hour and US Stock Futures have gone down for more than 3% tonight. There will be another …

When technical analysis no longer works…

Here is an interesting snapshot for SDS for the past 12 months of the year: The closing price for SDS is way above the 200-day MA, hence indicating a strong buy signal.  By adding in the volume factor, more interesting things happened, the interest of SDS is at its peak at the end of November, …

What would Barack Obama mean to the United States?

Ok, so we have the first black president, the first black first lady and the first black family (and the first black barber for the president, according to the news, the black Presidential Barber???) However, put all the jokes aside, what would it mean for Obama, a Democrat to hold the office with a senate …

So…the 700 billion is gone…

Well, not quite, there is still hope that the senate would bring it back to live some times later this week. However, the collapse of Wachovia, the bank that could be saved if the loan programs have approved earlier, as well as the plunge of the major index around the world, clearly indicated that this …

Finally, the 700 billion..

I was really thrilled to hear that the senate has finally approved the package to save the financial world. I am not sure how much the collapse of Washington Mutual would have made those senators feel that they finally need to do some work rather than arguing all over the place to maximize their political …


几天没日没夜的狂看之后终于看完了宛妃转。 后宫三千粉黛,可是皇上却只有一个,当一个男人的心需要分成了几十份以后,这份心还可以谓之爱情么? 而对于那些妃子来说,一道砖墙阻挡了她们本可以拥有的爱情和完整的人生,也让她们背负了整个家族的希望。对于她们的家人来说,妃子受宠则全家鸡犬皆升,反之亦然。 于是乎,君不见这十几岁的小女子们各个在后宫中斗个你死我活,甚至于牺牲了自己的友情和良心也在所不惜。 可是从另外一个角度来说,我还是很同情顺治帝的,虽然贵为一国之君,他却连选择自己所爱的人都没有。他的皇后不是他喜欢的人,而是因为皇后是太后的孙侄女。他宠信贞妃,而贞妃却不断的出卖和陷害其他的妃子。当他宠信董鄂氏的时候,董鄂氏却连自己的孩子也无法保全。 而朝廷的尔虞我诈却无法让这个少年天子信任任何人,他很没有安全感,很害怕周围任何一个人对他的好,即使在接受任何一个人的感情的时候都是带着怀疑。 于是,他错过了一段又一段属于他的爱情,最后到了去五台山出家的境地。 爱情对于这些人来说都是不幸的,他们总是在错误的时间遇到了一些人,这些人可能是正确的,也可能是错误的,但是那个时间决定了他们的命运,决定了他们他们一生都不可能平凡的度过。 普通人看到的只是他们享受自己所有的权利的时间,却不知道他们为了这些权利付出了多少眼泪和心酸。甚至于把自己的人性进行扭曲也在所不惜。 推荐大家看一下: