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吃了晚饭,决定出去走走。 不知道为什么,可能就是因为这是一个晴朗的天气。在加拿大,晴朗的天气似乎是一种奢侈。或许也可能是想走走。毕竟,老人们常说,饭后百步走,活到九十九嘛。

How to use Windows Live Writer behind proxy?

I was attempted to set up Windows Live Writer for a friend recently, however he is behind a proxy using Windows authentication, therefore, we were able to run the downloader, Windows Live Writer was unable to connect to the blog and was therefore, we had this error message while trying to set up the blog …

New day, new look

So I know I have been lazy in writing stuff to this blog (The reason I gave myself is there is nothing to write). However, at least I decided to change the look for the site after having the same look for god-knows how long. How does the new look sounds like? Good? Bad? Terrible? …

The days when we used to write loooong emails…

Yesterday, I came across this interesting article on TechCrunch where the author discussed the idea of gmail-lite, where we would write pretty much like Twitter-style emails. Frankly speaking, I can understand the rationale of people writing short emails. After all, a not-so-busy person like me receives about, on average, perhaps 50 emails from work and …